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César del Caño
César del Caño

"... his voice surprises at all times by the versatility achieved in the different interpretations"

Xoán Manuel Estévez  (Batonga)


"… I thought maybe he was using a microphone, because his voice filled everything. But I approached him and saw that he was singing with the help of only his guitar."

Ghena Dimitrova  (La Vanguardia)


"The first time I heard César del Caño's voice I felt it transported me to lofty worlds; since then it has been tattooed on my most intimate and dearest emotions."

Moncha Prieto


"I have in my affection your great, full voice, made with pampering and talent, capable like you of silently crossing all silences and finally take back greatness with just a change of gaze."

Carmen Pereiras  (La Región)


"He has a deep voice that sounds sincere"

Miguel P. Quintanilla  (El Noticiero Universal)

César  del  Caño
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